Friday, January 13, 2012

The Wonderful Wii!

Fencer6 here with a review of the Wii.

Have your parents ever told you video games aren't healthy? Well, with some games on the Wii I get exhausted after playing. I say it's the 2nd healthiest game system in history (the first, of course, is the XBox 360 Kinnect)! Plus, it puts you in the game! Swing your Wii remote in baseball and hit a home-run! You can send your friends though the Wii too! Check out the video bellow for more on the Wii! I give the Wii four 4 paws!


  1. So true! Did you know that some states are now putting Wii's in old folks homes? The old people like to play as much as the young people do!

  2. You're right! The Wii is awesome, and you get good exercise.

  3. coins here i wish i had a wii they look so cool and fun
