Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Terrific Tron

Fencer6 here with a review of a Disney movie,Tron Legacy, that is the sequel to the original Tron. In the original Tron, Kevin Flynn gets zapped into a video game and has to survive.  In Tron Legacy, his son, Sam, gets zapped into the same video game that his father has been trapped inside over the entire past 20 years.  In the story Sam Flynn is chased by his Dad's evil clone and Sam tries to make it out with his and his Dad's life.  The movie is rated PG mainly because of violence, but slightly also because of language.  This movie is very thrilling and I would recommend this to everyone who enjoys a good plot!  This is sort of a older movie and is no longer in theaters, but it is available on DVD and 3D Blu-Ray.  If you want to learn more about Tron Legacy, then click here.

I give Tron Legacy four paws,



  1. Nice I like Tron too.I like the part when the bridge broke and they had to jump in the portal but the dad had to risk his life and fight off the bad guy from grabing his son and jumping off the bridge witrh the kid and killing the kid

  2. I realy like tron. I like when the kid finds his dad.

    By Bob the Builder

  3. Coins here,I really like the movie Tron.I enjoy the partvwhen the son discovers the secret labritory!

  4. sweetpea here i did not like tron leagcy because it was boring

  5. Orange360 here i do not hve anything nice to say./(

  6. I never seen it but I would like too.

    Lazy Boy #1
