Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meteorologist’s Harsh Words Were Irresponsible

Hi, Agent P here, and I want to ask you a question. Why did the meteorologist use really strong words on Friday? It scared a lot of people in Kentucky. Even some of their relatives called from a different state. I just wish they would use better words next time. Then we would not have to go crazy. If you agree with me make a comment below about how mad you were.


  1. I agree they used to many harsh words.Even people from BRAZIL was scared about what happened!

  2. I agree that they used too many DESCRIPTIVE words. I was scared to death. All I did was play video games.

  3. I was furious. The Weather Channel came to town acting like Chicken Little, screaming that the sky was falling. I think all of the local channels were trying to make sure everyone knew what was going on, but at one point someone commented "people in Kentucky are going to die today." That's simply irresponsible. How could he possibly know that? And, other than sensationalism, what purpose did it serve?

    This experience reminds us all that words have power, and should use them wisely.
